My name is Silvian, but all my friends call me Sil.
Amidst the pandemic, my little family and I moved from our 650 sq.ft. condo downtown Toronto to a little bungalow in the suburbs. With both of us working from home for the foreseeable future, we needed the space, and Milo our dog needed a backyard to play in!
I'm not a professional interior designer, builder, or photographer. I'm just a complete homebody that loves to decorate (mainly with plants) and build things with my own hands. Growing up the oldest of 3 girls, I learned to love helping my dad move furniture, the art of fixing things yourself, and always be on the lookout for a good deal.
This year, I wanted to encourage myself to use more of the right side of my brain and push myself to be more creative. So, welcome to our home and my DIY journey. I hope you'll join me @homewithsil, as Iturn this house into our little nest and, if I can inspire you along the way, let me know.