We all just want to be happy, don't we? So why is that we tend to live our lives steeped in worry, anxiety, and fear rather than just being happy? Is happiness just a temporary state of mind, or is something real and long-lasting?
No doubt you've heard the expression – if you want to be happy right now, you must decide to be. But if you ask any person, they might tell you its not possible. But is it really?
There’s no magic pill for happiness. The fact is that happiness is something that's attainable, and we all have it within ourselves to be happy right now. Its an inside job, a choice that you must make. Try the following to learn how to be happy with yourself every day.
Be grateful: gratitude is a way of living that focuses on seeing the good, no matter how terrible one’s circumstances are. Of course, it can be hard to be grateful when you’re going through difficult times in life. But there is always a silver lining in every struggle. You must be willing to look for it. As you go about your day, consider keeping an eye out for pleasant things in your life. They can be big things, such as knowing that someone loves you or getting a well-deserved promotion.
Practice mindfulness: how you start your day matters. If you begrudgingly roll out of bed, put on a pot of coffee, and rush out the door to work, how do you think your day will unfold? When you take the time every morning to nourish your mental and emotional state, you set yourself up for success. Meditate, journal, exercise, recite affirmations, juice, dance. Do whatever it takes to get yourself into a high vibe state.
Get plenty of sleep: Most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep every night. If you find yourself fighting the urge to nap during the day or just generally feel like you’re in a fog, your body may be telling you it needs more rest.
Here are a few tips to help you build a better sleep routine:
Write down how many hours of sleep you get each night and how rested you feel. After a week, you should have a better idea how you’re doing. You can also try using an app to track your sleep
Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including on weekends
Reserve the hour before bed as quiet time. Take a bath, read, or do something relaxing. Avoid heavy eating and drinking
Keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet
Invest in some good bedding
If you must take a nap, try limiting it to 20 minutes
Get out of your head: most people get stuck is that they live too much of their lives in their heads and fail to connect with their body intelligence. Your body is a vessel that is constantly speaking to you. So, listen to it. The more that you go inward and bring attention to your body, the more connection you will feel to your intuition. The best way to do this is dance, do yoga or meditate, you will soon realize that everything you’ve ever needed is already inside of you.
Find your tribe: Strive to find people who empower you to become a better version of yourself. They will naturally enhance your happiness and make you feel good about yourself. Give a compliment: performing acts of kindness may also help promote your overall well-being. Giving a sincere compliment is a quick, easy way to brighten someone’s day while giving your own happiness a boost.
Skincare rituals are important: your skincare routine can play a huge part in feeling happier and can be a gateway into creating oxytocin, a key happiness hormone. Skincare rituals are simple steps to happiness as they’re quiet moments just for you.
Don’t take life to seriously: life is too short. If you spend the entire ride worrying and agonizing about everything, you will miss so many beautiful moments. You don’t want to get to the end of your life and wish that you had laughed and smiled more often. So, live your life!
Just remember, finding simple ways to be happy with yourself is an everyday commitment. However, it’s worth the effort because you deserve to live a happy life.
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