Tone your Core in 12 minutes!
At the Olve, we are always on the hunt for new ways to “up” our fitness regimen. Like many of you, we turn to the gram, Pinterest, or Google to find our next workout. We stumbled upon this awesome Tone Core workout from Fab Fit Fun that improves your strength and flexibility using the GAIAM Ultimate Core Toning Kit.
he workout builds a stronger and toned midsection with minimal equipment required.
he workout builds a stronger and toned midsection with minimal equipment required.
Full Roll Up
Position the ball between both knees and make sure your feet are flat on the floor hip width apart. Extend your arms above your head, squeeze the ball, and slowly curl upward, lifting your upper body completely off the floor. Hold for 1-2 seconds and slowly return to the first position. |
Rowing Series
Place one flexed foot in each cord and grasp the cords with your knuckles facing in towards each other and elbows lifted at chest level. lean back slightly forming a "C" shape with your core. maintaining control, lean back, and inhale as you pull the cords in toward your chest. On your exhale, return to your starting position. |