How to Manage Holiday Stress - Your Selfcare Guide
Welcome to the holiday season — also known as a time warp that includes a whirlwind of gift-giving, marketing blitzes, holiday parties, and activities galore - and it usually begins right after Halloween before you have had a chance to catch your breath - and gaining momentum through to the end of the year.
Before the stress of the holidays sneaks up on you, read on to learn how to enjoy your most stress-free holiday season yet.
Acknowledge What You're Feeling
It's important to acknowledge the stress you feel, it can help you find the source of your stress. Maybe it's that your plans are falling apart or having all of your family in your home is playing on your emotions. Identify your feelings and what is making your anxiety symptoms flare up - this can help you get a handle on things.
Prep! Plan Ahead Where You Can
One of the most stressful parts of the holidays is how much planning and coordinating goes into it. Planning things out is a crucial tool to reduce holiday stress. Giving yourself the space to identify potential problems and plan how to address them can solve some issues before they arise.
Just remember, too many activities, even if they are fun activities can culminate in unnecessary holiday stress. Pick a few favourite activities and focus on enjoying them, while skipping the rest.
Art of saying NO
Setting boundaries is essential for your mental health. They're even more important during the holidays when stress levels are high, and we're off our usual schedule. It's easy to say yes to everything, especially when family asks. However, if you don't want to participate in a particular tradition or activity, say no. It will help ease stress and help maintain positive relationships while protecting your values - and better yet, it will help you avoid holiday burnout.
Make time for yourself
Sometimes, having all your family members packed into one house for days on end can be a bit smothering. It's ok to make time for yourself and take a breather. Some activities might include taking a bubble bath or going for a walk. Whatever you feel you need to do - just do it!
Stick to your healthy habits
The holidays are some of the busiest times of the year. A lot is going on, and sometimes our normal habits and routines fall by the wayside - like exercising, heating healthy etc. We tend to stay inside and watch a movie or reach for the holiday treats instead of healthy snack. Make a conscious effort to prep healthy snacks for part of the day and take the opportunity to bundle up and get outside for some fun winter activities.
If you're feeling stressed, prioritize your established healthy eating and exercise habits as much as possible. Don't add stress to your life by making unrealistic expectations or goals for yourself during the holiday season. Find the middle ground that's right for you. Check out this link for some Holidaytipswe follow.
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