Flash (Kuai Kuai) Noodles
We love noodles! This recipe from the Life of Noms is so easy to make plus it's flavorful with a nice kick of spice!

What you will need:
- 1/4 bag (approx. 1 handful) Shanxi noodles (but really you can sub with any type of dried noodles for this recipe)
- 5 cloves garlic
- 1/4 white onion (sliced into long strips)
- 3 stalks scallion (sliced into long strips)
- Chinese black rice vinegar (Chinkiang Vinegar is our brand of choice)
- Soy sauce
- Chili oil
- Spicy bean paste
- Sesame oil
- Meat of choice (optional)
- 4 tablespoon of vegetable or grapeseed oil
First, you fry finely mince garlic cloves. Heat 4 tablespoon of vegetable or grapeseed oil on medium heat. Once the oil is bubbling, add your minced garlic cloves. Watch this like a hawk! The garlic fries super quickly and it's disappointing when all your minced garlic gets burned. It should be a about 30 seconds until your garlic begins to brown, you'll want to remove it as soon as it is a nice golden brown color. You can turn also off the heat once the garlic starts to change colors and the let it sit in the oil until golden brown. This method is easier to make sure you don't burn the garlic, the oil will continue to cook it even with the heat turned off. Drain the garlic through a sieve to drain any excess oil, then put it to the side.
Boil the noodles for about 6-8 minutes (or your desired firmness level). When it's done, drain the excess water and put it to the side.
For the sauce, in a medium bowl, combine 1/2 tablespoon black rice vinegar, 2 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon chili oil, 1 tablespoon spicy bean paste and 1 tablespoon sesame oil. Stir dat shit up!
In a pan, heat up 2 tablespoon of oil over medium-high heat. Toss the onion, scallion and some fired garlic in and sauté for 1 1/2 min. (If you decided to add meat to this dish, toss the meat into the pan and cook along with the veg)
Finally, add the noodles and sauce into the pan and give everything a quick sauté. Make sure that the sauce is evenly distributed into the noodles.
Pour the noodles onto a plate and serve hot and spicy