No matter where you are in your fitness journey, EMOM workouts can be your new best friend — from the training room to the comfort of your very own living room. So, what is EMOM exactly? It stands for “every minute on the minute” and it’s a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that has you pounding out the reps to a different exercise at the start of each minute. So, if you finish the required reps in 40 seconds, those 20 remaining precious seconds are all yours to catch a breath.
This workout is designed to push your body hard with limited recovery time. EMOMs are also ideal for those who are crunched for time yet want to reach a higher heart rate training zone, meaning you will also reap the benefits after the workout when your body is recovering. Right now, we are loving the routines available on the Nike Training Club on Netflix. It’s great for any newbies that are curious about EMOM, as it gives you a taste of a cardio-heavy and strength-building workout in 20 mins! For those of you that may not have access to Netflix and want to get your heart rate up while putting your muscles to the test, consider incorporating these EMOM workouts into your routine. Whether you're in need of a full-body training session you can do at home or looking to master one single move, you've got options. Ready to give EMOMs a try? Check out these 20-minute EMOM workout. Repeat each 5-minute EMOM four times for a total of 20 minutes. To kick things up a notch, you can hold a forearm plank as active recovery between each move for 10 seconds. This gives you enough time to get into position for the next exercise. A word of caution: If you’ve been leading a sedentary lifestyle and are new to exercise completely, EMOM workouts might not be a good route to follow right now. Consult with a physician or other health-care professional before trying this workout. |
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