At the start of a new year, many of us turn to a “healthy detox” (no fad retreats, spas or diets) to purge toxins from our body. It starts with decreasing the amount of sugar you consume to moving your body more to eating healthier. These are simple (and easy) ways to recuperate your body take on life (and burgers) again.
But the reality is: many of us forget to reset the button on our entire life. Your inbox is spamming you with emails and your phone with notifications, the clutter in your closet, kitchen and bathroom are subconsciously cluttering your mind and in your free time you spend time doing activities that you don’t enjoy — with people that are toxic.
How do we get back to the basics and live a more satisfying life? It may be time for a life detox, decluttering what's obstructing our way and preventing us from feeling happy and successful. Detoxing as a way of life is a healthy thing to do for anyone. Here are four super-helpful tips to start a life detox at any time. Detox Your Home: your home reflects you – everything from your clothes to your furniture to your bookshelves says a lot about you. Throughout life, you may have accumulated more things that you needed to. What can you do? Consider donating clothes, furniture, etc., to nearest Goodwill or Habitat for Humanity store. Throw away expired food from your pantry, make-up, and anything else that belongs in the compost/recycle.
Detox Your Body: if you’re feeing irritable, stressed or less active, take that as a sign that your body is asking you for help. Maybe you've gained a few pounds from eating out a lot, and the thought of exercising is just too much for you to handle at this time. What can you do? Consider a herbal detox to cleanse your body of unhealthy toxins. Eat nutritious foods. Ideally, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Get plenty of sleep – a minimum of six hours a night. All this will boost your immune system naturally.
Detox Your Mind: when you cleanse your mind of negative thoughts, you'll feel better. What thoughts most occupy your mind? Are you allowing someone or something to make you worry needlessly? When you become stressed out and irritable for no reason, your mind is not at ease. What to do? Consider taking an inventory of unhealthy thoughts and try to reframe them in a positive way. Before going to sleep, think of something positive that happened to you during the day. Also, spend less time on social media.
Detox Your Social Life: detoxifying implies letting go of the bad so you can make room to let in the good. Most likely, there are people in your social circle who are always negative, always unhappy, and always complaining about something. Having a good circle of people in your life is very healthy for you. Embrace quality over quantity. What to do? Consider reflecting on the people who are constantly making you feel depressed or stressed. Invest time in people who are worthy of your valuable attention.
At the OLVE, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you'll like too. This site offers health, fitness tips and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk. For more information please see our terms and conditions.