If you are anything like us, every year we vow to be on top of things and plan ahead. However, before we know it - we're too late. This often happens for Halloween in our household. We admire the creativity of costumes and talk about many cool ideas right after, but then - the next Halloween is here and we have no clue what to do!
So as usual, we are running around to find that perfect costume for that Halloween party with friends or for our kids to look their spookiest Trick-or-Treating.
To save you (as well as ourselves) we dug up some last minute costume ideas to help.
Stay Cozy - Living in Canada, we always get fooled into thinking that maybe this year fall will be warmer, but alas, every year it's nearly a frost warning. Consider a warm and fuzzy onesie. There are many you can choose from to dress up as your favourite animal. It's sure to win the cute award - and be the most practical for our fall weather. This is especially popular with the kids. It's easy and comfortable!
Flip the script on a Fairytale - we can easily repurpose our existing wardrobe and modernize our view of the traditional fairytale princess or Disney villain. Black leather pants, and a long black blazer - add on a large walking stick/cane with a black and white wig (from your local party store) and there you have it - Cruella! Do you have your favourite pastel jeans lying around from the summer - pair it with a white tank, jean jacket and throw your hair in a loose bun. Grab a book and a rose - and BAM - you're the Belle of the ball in current times!
Hand me downs! are the secret to any successful costume. Perhaps you know of someone who killed it at the last Halloween party - or a friend who has children that have used costumes. Call them up - more often than not, they would be happy to loan it to you - I mean they can't wear it again! Not in this Instagram age - once a picture is taken - you can never repeat! In our house, we often repurpose dance customes and add warm boots and a sweater - that way the kids can get another chance at wearing their favourite recital costume.
Use what you have - do you have a pair of overalls? Pair it with a yellow top and you can be a minion. Pair it with a plaid shirt, and you can be a farmer. Pair it with buffalo plaid and a straw hat (from a party store) and you can be a scarecrow. Wear the overalls with any t-shirt, splatter some paint and use an empty (clean/un-used) paint can - and you're a house painter! Pick up a red/green cap and fashion a 'M' or 'L' on it and match it with the same colour t-shirt and you can be Mario or Luigi! Overalls might be the most versatile costume staple.
Be you but scarier - If you are anything like us - you have an abundance of black clothing. So wear it all. Black bottoms, black top - add a witch hat - and you're a witch! Or with some make up and cat ears - you're a black cat. If you have a pair of jeans and a pair of cowboy boots ... well you know where we are heading with this ...
Clever always is memorable - How many times have you seen a costume that just makes you smile because it is so funny! Wear a fancy dress and a sash that reads "apology" - then you are a formal apology. Or how about wrapping yourself in a blanket and wearing pig ears and nose -there you have it, you're pigs in a blanket. Glue some small packets of smarties to your pants ... can you guess what that is, you smarty pants :)
Either way, wear your smile and enjoy. It's always just a great time to get together with friends and watch the kids enjoy these moments.
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